So, an interesting fact is that all of Cate’s male friends are named Andrew. And at Smith, I’m sure some of her “female” friends are named Andrew too. Anyway, Cate’s significant other (Kobayashi) told Cate that she had to take the subway in Rome, and photograph the graffiti for him. It worked out, because Cate wanted to see the Coliseum and we didn’t feel like carjacking an old lady for her wheels. So we go underground, and what do we see? The lamest graffiti ever.

Just as I was making fun of Andrew, which I rarely do, since I actually think he’s a great guy, our train came, and I utterly stopped talking.

The trains were covered, nay, WERE graffiti. On some of the cars, it was hard to tell what color the car was supposed to be, there was so much spraypaint on it. This was my favorite:


Unfortunately, I didn’t really document any of my epicurean adventures in Rome, but I didn’t really think I needed to. I had some good meals, nothing really extraordinary. We did have some amusing waiters, including one who basically forced Cate to eat all her food, so she kept sneaking most of it onto my plate.

Nothing more to report on that front.

I believe it’s in both of our best interest to leave you with this picture.

iF yoU eVeR wAnT tO SeE cAte AgaIn yOu WiLl bUy hEr a rEtUrn tIcKEt fOr aT lEaSt a MoNtH !!!

-aNonYmoUs gEnTLeMAn GoURManD


Just kidding. She’s fine. Or is she?

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