So recently, Cate has been assisting me in re-designing my wardrobe. She helped me with an excellent purchase of a Banana Republic shirt while we were in Key West.


More recently, she was key in my purchase of two excellent Lacoste shirts while we were in Rome. The obvious color choices? Lime green and pink.

I *heart* Cate. Nobody tell her that people usually pay for a fashion consultant. K?

Another important purchase that I made in Rome was the best pair of sunglasses I have ever bought. I must have tried on close to a hundred pairs over the days I was with Cate, and none of them even came close to the pair I finally found.

It was the last day before I left for Sorrento, and I desperately was searching for a pair, ANY pair. We ended up finding the coolest optometrist in the entire world. There was a huge fountain in the main room (both the room and the fountain were entirely marble.) Anyway, I grabbed a pair by impulse and said “Well, how about something a little different.” The look on her face was priceless; it looked like she had just met a new, hotter me. At least, that’s what I imagined.


Suffice to say, I liked them.

We also tried on hats. (Didn’t purchase, don’t worry. I saw that face.)


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