So I had to come up with something to do with this fire that would directly benefit me. (Other than the fact that we had the lamb for dinner) {See below post for fire explanation}

So I thought, what would I have been doing right now, 9 years ago?

I would have been at the Capital City Club swimming pool, at the snack bar (the aspiring gourmet at heart, trying to shine through, I think), ordering a “Grilled Ham and Cheese.”

I promptly procured some white bread (a hard thing to do here, as most of the bread is baked rustic Italian bread, and kinda sucks for sandwiches. Sorry Donatella.). I sliced some of the mild cheese that we use for everything (the Italians call it “sweet” cheese.), and also sliced up some ham on our going-to-hell rotary slicer. (Parts keep popping off, and I keep re-attaching them with medical tape. This cannot be good.)

I slathered a bit of butter on the bread, smooshed it between the racks, and tossed some coals under it.

In the spirit of being 10, I also snuck off with the chocolate sauce (supposedly reserved for desserts), and made some chocolate milk. When Donatella tried to inquire how I had made the milk brown, I clutched it close and shouted “no yoohoo for yoohoo!” and ran away to eat my sandwich. Needless to say, Donatalla was pretty confused.

The sandwich turned out great.


Not sure if it would win the $10,000 Grilled Cheese Contest, though.

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